Rekeying your locks means altering the lock mechanism so the older key can’t open them. The key is replaced, but the lock remains. Whether you need to change your locks or they’re due for [...]
Needing a locksmith at an inconvenient time can be frustrating, but it’s important to hire a professional in the area if the situation warrants an emergency. By attempting to solve the issue on [...]
From car manufacturers to apartment complexes, more and more companies are beginning to implement smart keys as their popularity increases. This includes car key fobs, apartment entrance keys, [...]
Most people don’t think about how they’ll deal with being locked out of their home or forgetting their keys in their car until it happens. Studies have found that annually, about two million [...]
Your house keys fell in the lake while you were out on the boat. Your car’s push-start-button and smart key fob have stopped working. Your company office uses a mortise cylinder lock, and the [...]
Copying or duplicating keys today is not uncommon. However, prior to 1917 every key was made to be entirely unique. As you can imagine, losing a one-of-a-kind key these days – whether for your [...]
Did you know that the first car locks were installed in the 1920s? While our lock technology has certainly advanced since then, the ability to get locked out of your vehicle has not changed. [...]
Did you know that 63% of homeowners would opt for smart home technologies if they were to buy again? While smart lock and key technologies are becoming more and more popular, you are still [...]
Did you know that one of the most basic lock designs is the lever? While you likely won’t be using a lever to lock your home or vehicle, modern locks play a huge role in our everyday safety and [...]
Did you know that most early American locks had to be imported from other countries? While modernized locking technology has certainly improved since then, there is still a chance that you could [...]